Staff & Faculty

Deserie Donae
Interim Director of Enrollment & OLLI
Extended Education
Carlisle Douglas, M.A.
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Brian Dykstra
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Julie Eccles-Benson
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Barry Evans
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Baili Farris
Instructor, The Studio School
Faculty: Extended Education
Sharon K. Ferrett
OLLI Instructor and OLLI Curriculum Committee Member
Instructor: OLLI
James Floss, MFA
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Wil Franklin
Instructor, Wine Studies
Faculty: Extended Education
Maureen Funk, CFRE
Instructor, New Designs in Fundraising
Faculty: Extended Education
Benjamin Funke
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Dr. Gary Glassman
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Todd Golder
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Kerry Gonzales
Study Abroad Coordinator
International Programs
Jim Graham
Faculty, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Sara Hanna
Dept. of Forestry & Wildland Resources
Faculty: Extended Education
Elizabeth Hans McCrone
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Matt Hayashi
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Guiamar F. Hiegert, CFRE
Instructor, New Designs for Fundraising
Faculty: Extended Education
Nicole Jean Hill
Faculty, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Eric Hollenbeck
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Pam Holten
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Chris Hopper, Ph.D.
Program Development & Faculty, Leadership Studies
Moyra Hower
Instructor, New Designs for Fundraising
Faculty: Extended Education
Kelsie Hower
Faculty, New Designs for Fundraising
Faculty: Extended Education
Sei Hee Hwang, MBA, M.Ed
Program Coordinator, Extended Education
Extended Education
Dr. Terri Jennings
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Ron Johnson
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Margaret Jones, PsyD
Faculty, Leadership Studies
Jeannine Kaprielian
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
