• Calm beach in Humboldt County

  • Table Bluff, Humboldt County

  • Samoa Dunes, Humboldt County

  • Egrets in Humboldt Bay


At the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Cal Poly Humboldt, everyone benefits from lifelong learning. Since 2005, OLLI at Humboldt has created opportunities for academic engagement, civic involvement, personal growth, and fun. By offering a myriad of classes and experiences for a vibrant community of learners aged 50 and better, OLLI delivers learning for a lifetime.

Register for OLLI classes!

Upcoming Classes

Beekeeper looking at honeycomb
Monday, February 10 to Monday, May 5
Bees inside a hive
Sunday, February 16 to Sunday, May 4
Monday, March 17 to Monday, April 14

Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with David Uballez, Executive Director, Timber Ridge McKinleyville: Learn about Timber Ridge -- its history, services, costs, insurance coverage, types of care,

Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes nationwide
Year OLLI at Humboldt was established
Online/in-person classes & groups (fall 2024)
Brown Bag Lunch Presentations since fall 2020