Faculty & Staff - all

Margaret Kellermann
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Grace Kerr
Graphic/Web Designer
Extended Education
Nicole Kita
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Ana Kolpin
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Jerry Kroth
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Dick LaForge
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Aldaron Laird
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Rollie Lamberson
OLLI Instructor and OLLI Curriculum Committee Member
Instructor: OLLI
Sarah Landis, PT, DPT
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Kathy Layton
OLLI Curriculum Committee Member
Kathleen Lee
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Haven LeWinter
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Ann Lindsay, MD
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Pam Long
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
Matthew Manago
Instructor, Extended Education
Faculty: Extended Education
David Marshak
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Mie Matsumoto
OLLI Faculty
Instructor: OLLI
Nour Maxwell, M.A.
Faculty, Leadership Studies
Megan Mefford, M.Ed.
Coordinator, International Admission, Immigration and Study Abroad (DSO/ARO)
International Programs
Megan Mefford, M.Ed.
Leadership Studies Transfer & Graduation Counselor
David Misch
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Richard Molloy, M.A.
Faculty, Leadership Studies
Jane Monroe
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Elizabeth Morrison
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Lynette Mullen
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Maureen Murphy
OLLI Curriculum Committee Member
Dr. Craig Nathanson, Ph.D.
Faculty, Leadership Studies
Christine Noel
OLLI Instructor
Instructor: OLLI
Sarah Nunez
Instructor, New Designs for Fundraising
Faculty: Extended Education
Alison O'Dowd
Faculty, Klamath River Field Study
Faculty: Extended Education
