The Struggle for Women's Suffrage & the Passage of the 19th Amendment

Brown Bag Lunch Online with Anne Hartline, Educator

Monday, August 10, 2020 - 12:00pm

Trace the struggle for women suffrage from the earliest writings of the Founding generation, through the 100-plus year battle to win voting rights for women in the United States. Explore the personalities and events that helped shape the struggle for the passage of the 19th Amendment in 1920. Look back at the 100-plus years of struggle, in worldwide and in the U.S., that brought about the amendment's ratification. We'll focus on the courageous efforts of those who refused to give up on this most basic democratic right. Finally, we'll discuss the realities of who actually won the vote in 1920, who was still denied the vote, and where we've come since then.

Anne Hartline was a middle school educator, teaching history and language arts for 25 years in the McKinleyville Union School District. However, her passion for women suffrage and the importance of voting rights began when she was in her teens. She's been an active member of the League of Women Voters of Humboldt County for over 30 years.