• Rick Vrem and Rollie Lamberson in classroom

Instructor Resources


We are so glad that you have opted to join our OLLI community of learners!  OLLI is fortunate to have a group of people with a multitude of talents who are willing to share with other learners.

In addition to the OLLI instructor orientation, which is offered each semester to the instructors who are teaching that semester, we have developed this page of items that might be helpful resources for you as you journey through the OLLI program at Humboldt.  

This page is a work in progress. Please let us know if you have questions that are not answered here, or if you have suggestions for additional items to include on this page.

OLLI Membership

We ask that all of our OLLI instructors have some familiarity with the OLLI Program prior to teaching for us. Attendance in at least one OLLI course is required. In addition, we require all of our instructors to be OLLI members, so if you are not already a member, we ask you to please sign up today.

Frequently Asked Questions 

We understand that you may have a lot of questions about the work we do. This is why we have created a list of questions that we get asked frequently by our instructors. If you still have questions after reviewing this document, we are here for you! Please contact OLLI at 707-826-5880 or by email at olli@humboldt.edu.

Who to Contact

You can always contact OLLI at 707-826-5880 or by email at olli@humboldt.edu.


OLLI instructors are given an option to donate their services to benefit OLLI members or they can receive a stipend of 50% of the total fees collected, after costs are deducted for any costs for vans, drivers, tickets, materials etc. 

Every semester continuing instructors need to sign:

  • An Instructor Agreement issued by the College of Extended Education and Global Engagement 
  • A roster that is signed and dated following your course 

In order to receive the stipend, instructors must also submit:

  • An Instructor Pay Request Form 

New instructors or those who have not taught for the OLLI program within the last year, will need to complete the Humboldt hiring paperwork. More information about the hiring paperwork can be found at the Cal Poly Humboldt Human Resources website.