Local Climate Action Planning and Implementation

OLLI Brown Bag Lunch Free Online Presentations - Mondays, noon-1:30, on Zoom

Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with Michael Richardson, Emily Benvie, and Matthew Marshall

Monday, December 5, 2022 - 12:00pm

Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with Michael Richardson, Humboldt County Planning Dept; Emily Benvie, Arcata Environmental Services, & Matthew Marshall, RCEA Redwood Coast Energy Authority: Learn about the collaboration and progress being made to reduce green house gas emissions and adapt to climate change.

Local actions to reduce green house gas emissions and adapt to climate change require active and ongoing partnerships between residents, businesses, the cities and county, and many other agencies and organization in the region. Refinement and adoption of the Climate Action Plan (CAP) is an important step in a long series of local actions that will be taken toward reducing the effects of climate change. Come hear about our progress and how you can engage.