Cooperation Humboldt: Concrete Projects Leading to Transformation

Tamara McFarland

Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with Tamara McFarland, Cooperation Humboldt Board President

Monday, March 21, 2022 - 12:00pm

Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with Tamera McFarland, Cooperation Humboldt Board President: Cooperation Humboldt is helping to build a Solidarity Economy in our community. This presentation will be a “big picture” overview of the organization. We will discuss our vision, goals, strategies and projects. We will also explore various ways individuals can get connected to our work.

Cooperation Humboldt helps to build a solidarity economy on California’s North Coast. We believe it is possible for everyone to get their needs met to not merely survive, but to thrive. This can be done in an ecologically sustainable and regenerative manner without exploitation or oppression. To do so will require transforming our social, political and economic institutions.

Tamara McFarland (she/her) grew up in Eureka and attended local schools from kindergarten through college. She and her husband are raising two children together in Eureka. Tamara is passionate about food justice, local resilience, animal rights, and environmental protection. She is a graduate of the Cascadia Leadership training program. In 2016, she was the lead organizer for the Bernie Sanders campaign in Humboldt County. Following the 2016 elections, Tamara helped to co-found the North Coast People’s Alliance. After operating a small business for 14 years, Tamara has recently chosen to focus her time exclusively on social change work. She serves on Cooperation Humboldt’s Board of Directors as President, and also handles our bookkeeping and coordinates our Food Team.