Course at a Glance

Flash Mob
November 6 to November 13
In person: Full

Flash Mob


With Cheryl Johnson, Instructor

Flash mobs are public bursts of joyful dancing that surprise and delight people. Learning dance patterns is great for brain plasticity, cardio, and balance. Even watching dance raises endorphin levels for participants and viewers. We will create a routine of easy, non-strenuous dance steps. We will then polish it, dress up, and perform for ourselves with laughter and gusto. Make your legacy include living, learning, loving, and laughing! Register by November 1.

Wed., Nov. 6 & 13 • 1-3 p.m.

In person: On campus

$45 • This class is full.

Cheryl Johnson

Cheryl Johnson

Cheryl Johnson, MA, is a life coach whose motto is "Live, love, laugh, and learn." She does consulting in non-profits. Cheryl also served as the first director of the OLLI program at Humboldt State University (now Cal Poly Humboldt).