Medicare Fraud Protection

Area 1 Agency on Aging - Redwood Coast Village

Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with Ben Winker, HICAP; Marianne Morse & Patti Donovan-Skweir of Redwood Coast Village

Monday, January 30, 2023 - 12:00pm

Brown Bag Lunch Online Presentation with Ben Winker, HICAP; Marianne Morse & Patti Donovan-Skweir of Redwood Coast Village: Learn how to create your online profile at Join HICAP and Redwood Coast Village as we share tips to PROTECT your Medicare card, DETECT possible errors, and REPORT suspicious activity to California Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP). SMP can guide you if you suspect you may be the victim of Medicare fraud.

Ben Winker is the HICAP manager at the Area 1 Agency on Aging (A1AA) in Eureka, California, representing Humboldt and Del Norte counties. He joined the Agency in 2019 as a HICAP counselor and assistant manager, taking over the manager position at the beginning of 2020.

Marianne Morse is the Redwood Coast Village office coordinator. She connects village members with volunteers. She formerly worked at Faith Center Church, doing media outreach. Marianne has two grown children and a grandson.

Patti Donovan-Skweir is the bookkeeper for Redwood Coast Village. She manages member payments, donations and grants. She previously worked as the bookkeeper for the McKinleyville Union School District and the Humboldt Senior Resource Center.

Redwood Coast Village is a network of volunteers helping seniors remain active, living independently, and socially connected.

HICAP offers free and objective information and counseling to Medicare beneficiaries, their families and care providers.