Propose a Course: Extended Education
No new course proposals will be accepted for fall 2024 and spring 2025.
Extended Education Course Proposal Process: How It Works
Extended Education courses make lifelong learning and professional development accessible to communities throughout the North Coast. They are a collaboration between the instructor and the College of Extended Education & Global Engagement. Topics, duration, and location vary… intellectual rigor, attention to detail, and outstanding student support are consistent.
The instructor is responsible for the course content, and for setting the parameters of the course. Extended Education provides operational and logistical support for the course. Here's how the process works:
- You propose course, including topic, dates/number of meetings, times, and cost.
- Extended Education reviews the proposal, and forwards it to the appropriate academic department on campus for review and comment.
- Once the course is accepted, Extended Ed arranges facilities and marketing, registers students, collects payment, and administers evaluations.
- You teach your course to a fabulous community of learners.
- You are paid 60% of the income generated from the course.
Course Proposal Forms
We have implemented a new online course proposal process! Please follow the instructions below, or give us a call at (707) 826-3731.
- Re-Offered Extended Education Courses:
If you've offered an Extended Education course in the past and plan to offer the same class in the future, complete the ONLINE PROPOSAL FORM FOR RE-OFFERED COURSES. - New Extended Education Courses:
If you want to offer a new class, please complete the ONLINE PROPOSAL FORM FOR NEW COURSES. You will be asked to upload your resume and course outline or syllabus in the form, so it's good to have these ready to go!
Review of Extension Course Proposals
All College of Extended Education & Global Engagement courses are reviewed by an appropriate academic department and college dean. Extended Education determines the need for the course and the availability of facilities and support, and confirms that the offering will not detract from enrollment in other Humboldt courses (credit courses only).
For non-credit courses, the department review process indicates that the:
- Appropriate academic department has had the opportunity to review and comment on the course content;
- Course meets the criteria for non-credit offerings; and
- Faculty meets standards for teaching a non-credit offering
For credit courses, the department approval process confirms that the:
- Course objectives and purposes are clearly stated and worthwhile;
- Course outline and methods of instruction are adequate to reach objectives;
- Contact hours are sufficient to meet the unit value requested (15 hours of instructional time ("seat time") is required for one unit of credit); and
- Instructor is qualified teach the material and achieve the objectives.
Decisions beyond those outlined above will be made by the College of Extended Education & Global Engagement.
Frequently Asked Questions about Course Proposals
Extended Education courses vary in length and scope: some meet once for a few hours, others have multiple 2-3 hour sessions; some are half- or full-day. The length and number of meetings will depend on the instructor and the topic. Shorter duration courses that meet on weekday evenings tend to be quite popular. Saturday classes also work well. Keep in mind the audience you are trying to reach when you set your class days and times (i.e. allow enough time to leave work and travel to class if you want to offer something for working adults).
Courses should have an academic or professional development focus. Extended Ed students tend to be working professionals from a range of backgrounds and occupations. We do offer a handful of youth classes, though this is not our primary focus.
It depends. Think about the number of hours your students will be spending in class and the amount an average working person might be willing to pay for a course on this topic. You might take a look through a recent Extended Education Bulletin or other professional development opportunities in the area to compare prices of various classes. Classes that meet one time for a few hours generally fall in the $35-$50 range. Classes that meet multiple times for multiple hours are usually around $100-$150. Half- and full-day classes are usually $100-$200. There are exceptions to every rule! As an instructor, it's important to consider the minimum amount you'd like to be paid for a course, and work out the price based on how many students you expect to enroll (class sizes generally range from 8-20 students). If you'd like help with price setting, contact us!
It depends on the course topic, timing, instructor, marketing reach, etc. Class sizes generally range from 8-20 students, though we've run classes for as few as 3 and as many as 50 students. The instructor can set the thresholds for minimum and maximum numbers of students.
University Policy/Faculty Handbook
Non-credit courses and institutes offered through the extension program shall be submitted for advice and/or comment to the appropriate college dean and/or department chair prior to the offering being scheduled by Extended Education. The utilization of University facilities and the use of University equipment are subject to approval by the dean and department chair. Should there be no reasonably congruent program or programs in a college, approval of the Office of Academic Affairs shall be required. Non-credit courses or institutes, as well as those offered for credit, will be reported to the faculty via the department chair.
In keeping with University policy, courses offered for credit through the University's College of Extended Education & Global Engagement should be approved following appropriate consultative procedures and review. It may be that in some instances (particularly those involving interdisciplinary studies) no single department may be willing to assume responsibility to initiate such a review. In such a case, Extended Education should request the dean of a college to take the proposal to his or her college curriculum committee for a recommendation. The determination as to which college should conduct the review should be made on the basis of programmatic similarity. If no college committee is willing to assume responsibility for review, the Director for Dean of Extended Education should request that the Vice Provost of Academic Programs and Undergraduate Education take the proposal to the University Curriculum Committee for a recommendation.